What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is a form of mental training that utilises meditation practices, allowing us to become more aware of the workings of our mind. It goes beyond the usual cognitive awareness and opens up a wide and spacious experiential approach to life. By expanding out from the narrow focus of the constant stream of thoughts that we habitually latch onto as our guide to the inner and outer worlds, mindfulness meditation offers the practitioner an alternative method of dealing with the trials and tribulations of this human life, allowing one to relate to their experience with compassion, non-judgement and acceptance.

The use of formal and informal practices that can easily become part of your daily routine. The focus of the meditation practices is usually something simple. This can be the flow of the breath in the body, the changing physical sensations, yoga and mindful movement as well as mindful eating, mindful walking and just about any other activity in your day you can think of. The beauty of mindfulness is that it can be practiced at any time. It can be done as an individual or as part of a group – we all share the same focus points and can all access them any time we choose to.

Who are we


We are dedicated to offering accessible mindfulness based meditation classes in professional and personal settings. Inspired by the founder’s own experiences and enthusiasm we offer a variety of courses for groups and individuals that reflect the diversity of applications of mindfulness in the modern world. Read More…



Our programmes and courses are grounded in the teachings of The Mindfulness Association. Their expansive and innovative Mindfulness Based Living Course (MBLC) allows the practitioner to develop in-depth personal experiences of mindfulness with a view to applying this in your personal and professional life. Read More…

What is mindfulness


If you are interested in finding out more about our mindfulness techniques and classes you can contact us by email: james@themindfulmethod.co.uk or through our social media channels. Be sure to follow us on social media for daily tips and thoughts on mindfulness and well being.

We have created an infographic that features some useful tips on how you can use mindfulness in your daily life. Click on the image below to view.

We have created a collection of mindfulness quotes to motivate, guide and inspire. Why not share those that resonate with you on social media with the hashtag #mindfulmoments

There’s more to life than increasing its speed

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