Mindfulness by numbers (and colours)

February 27, 2016 ,,,,,Comments Off on Mindfulness by numbers (and colours)

I have the artistic ability of a primary school child. This short coming in the doodling department is constantly exposed by my young daughter and her myriad requests for me to draw different animals. They all end up looking equally vague in regard to what they are meant to be…

Infographic – Tips for being Mindful

February 8, 2016 ,,,,,,,,,,Comments Off on Infographic – Tips for being Mindful

We have created this infographic that features some tips on how you can use mindfulness in your daily life.

Tougher than it sounds

July 23, 2015 ,,,Comments Off on Tougher than it sounds

“Well, that’s just sitting on a cushion isn’t it? Just common sense. Anyone can do that. Why would we need to employ someone to do that?”